Review Highlights on Michelle Pfeiffer in ‘Murder on the Orient Express’

Now the Orient Express is on board, and surprisingly, the latest adaption of ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ which based on the Agatha Christie is having a bad time with critics, and even more harder than Michelle’s last movie ‘mother!’ – the most controversial movie in decades. But the common thing between these two movies is – critics love Michelle, below is a summary highlights on Michelle’s performance in ‘MOTOE’, enjoy the ride.

Pfeiffer is particularly great in a role previously played by Lauren Bacall, and her performance seems to nod in that direction: Pfeiffer burning up the screen, with glamour to spare – coupled with her turn in Darren Aronofsky’s Mother!, 2017 seems to have heralded a comeback, and Branagh gets the best from her. – Alex Godfrey, GQ
But then… there is Michelle Pfeiffer. She’s luminous as the flirty widow Mrs Hubbard, and delivers one moving scene that, along with her appearance in ‘Mother!’, makes 2017 a strong Pfeiffer year. – Anna Smith, TimeOut
But the most interesting bit of casting is Michelle Pfeiffer as Caroline, the divorcee originally played by Lauren Bacall. It’s easy to forget, because she’s so down-to-earth, but Pfeiffer is a great screen actress — not just good, or very good, or interesting, but genuinely great, as in one of the best we have. In writing this adaptation, Michael Green apparently understood this, and gave Pfeiffer a chance to hit one out of the park…One doesn’t expect that kind of intensity in a sedate British murder mystery, but Pfeiffer brings it. On her own, she helps Branagh make the case for his remake over the original. – Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
Standing out from its long list of players is Michelle Pfeiffer‘s funny and feisty Caroline who snatches all attention when shared with another actor. – Clayton Davis, AwardsCircuit
As good as this cast is, it is both Branagh and Pfeiffer who really shine. It’s fantastic to see the actress back on the big screen this year with MOTHER! and ORIENT EXPRESS. She is marvelous as a woman who clearly has a few things to hide. The second she appears on screen she is luminous and you can’t take your eyes off of her. This is not to say the others aren’t doing fine work, but it was truly Pfeiffer and Branagh that kept me invested. – JimmyO, Joblo
There are strong emotions on display, the film exploring collective and individual senses of grief and loss, and there are many fine performances — most notably from a delightfully complex Michelle Pfeiffer, an excellent Josh Gad and an evergreen Derek Jacobi. Branagh adheres to Christie’s ideal with his performance but remains in the shadow of TV’s David Suchet. – Will Lawrence, Empire
Still, Branagh has done some things right. Most importantly, he’s assembled a strong troupe of actors to play the passengers of the Calais Coach. Let’s just list ‘em: Dame Judi Dench, Olivia Colman, Penélope Cruz, Leslie Odom Jr., Josh Gad, Willem Dafoe, Daisy Ridley, Michelle freakin’ Pfeiffer. – Richard Lawson, Vanity Fair
One standout is Pfeiffer, who also was a scene-stealer in “Mother.” It’s great to see a resurgence in her career. – Nicola Dove, ALIVE
Branagh the director does eventually over-indulge Branagh the actor, particularly as that Christie staple, the climactic reveal of whodunit, nears. But he draws an unexpectedly decent turn from Depp, and the best performance for a while from Pfeiffer. – Matthew Bond, Daily Mail
And it’s nice to see Pfeiffer in a film more watchable than the execrable Mother!, switching between flightiness and cunning as the husband-hunting widow Mrs Hubbard. She has some knockout lines, too. ‘If your eyes linger any longer I’ll have to charge rent,’ she murmurs to Mr Ratchett. – Brian Viner, Daily Mail
Pfeiffer is dynamite playing the flirty, tempestuous widow Mrs. Hubbard, more than holding her own with Lauren Bacall’s indelible grande dame rendition from the Lumet film. –  Tim Grierson, Screen Daily
This film has Michelle Pfeiffer and Johnny Depp, who are both very good, and Judi Dench who is fine. – Stephen Whitty, True
Pfeiffer comes off best among the costars, getting her dramatic moment before retreating into the background. With this film and her performance in “mother!,” Pfeiffer is making an impressive screen comeback. – Bob Bloom, ReelBob
The cast are stellar – including everyone from Judi Dench on ageing princess duty to Josh Gad as the squirrelly MacQueen – but their screen-time is inevitably limited by the convolutions of the plot, so that only Michelle Pfeiffer as the fading sex-bomb widow and Daisy Ridley’s engaging governess make a lasting impression. – Amber Wilkinson, Eye For Film
And of the first-class ensemble cast, Pfeiffer stands out with an alluring mixture of charm and steel as Mrs Hubbard. – Allan Hunter, Sunday Express
And – apart from the excellent Michelle Pfeiffer – most of the stellar cast just chug along. – Grant Rollings, Sun Film Critic
Cool, sexy and powerful, her Mrs. Hubbard is a woman aware of her allure and not afraid to use it – and it’s a role Pfeiffer clearly relishes, playing it up but never reaching too far and turning it into parody. – Rebecca Lewis, Metro UK
Michelle Pfeiffer is the standout performance in the ensemble cast. She’s got the most range and is excellent, as always. Johnny Depp, Willem Dafoe, and Judi Dench have little screen time comparatively. Josh Gad, Penelope Cruz, and Daisy Ridley do well enough in their parts. – Movieweb
What a bunch. Michelle Pfeiffer (who gives the best performance in the film) is Caroline, a beautiful woman of a certain age on the hunt for her next husband. Penelope Cruz is Pilar, a deeply religious nurse. Josh Gad is Hector, accountant and assistant to Ratchett. Leslie Odom Jr. is Dr. Arbuthnot, impatient to get to London. – Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun Times
Josh Gad as the murder victim’s secretary, Daisy Ridley as an enigmatic young traveler and Michelle Pfeiffer (who is having a wonderful career resurgence at the moment) as a seemingly husband-hungry older woman get the most screen time and the best moments, but other excellent actors like Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz, Olivia Colman and Willem Dafoe drift in and out of the narrative with little impact even though it’s confined to just five train cars. – Don Kaye, Den of Geek!
Standout for me was Pfeiffer, blessedly back making movies after she took a hiatus. – Pete Hammond, Deadline
There’s no shortage of suspects or great performers to bring them to life. Before his character is dispatched, Depp reminds us what an effective actor he can be when given the right part, while Michelle Pfeiffer as desperate flirt Caroline Hubbard gives the best performance of her career. Judi Dench as Princess Dragomiroff glowers as only she can, Daisy Ridley shows fire and spunk as the mysterious Mary Debenham and Derek Jacobi brings a stately manner to proceedings as the troubled butler Edward Masterman. Josh Gad, Willem Dafoe and Penelope Cruz are also on board, each shining in the far-too-few moments they are accorded. – Chuck Koplinski, The News Gazette
Ms. Pfeiffer — now looking “a certain age” — outdoes even Lauren Bacall when purring-growling, in response to Mr. Depp’s first leer: “If your eyes linger any longer, I’ll have to charge rent.” – Barry Paris, Post Gazette
It helps that all the supporting performances are solid – Michelle Pfeiffer, especially, does strong work here and I am happy to see her return to the screen. It has been too long. – Alan Cerny,
The only actor to escape the clutches of the film, the only one to bust through the restraints, is Michelle Pfeiffer, as the grand dame who, like everyone else on the train, has her secrets but is brimming with an almost supernatural rage. Pfeiffer is alive and urgent. Everyone else keeps nodding off. – Will Leitch, Paste Magazine
The stand-out in the ensemble is Pfeiffer, whose blowsy American has the most intriguing trajectory. But everyone is superb, adding little touches that play on the idea that each passenger has a motive for murder. – Rich Cline,
Pfeiffer makes the strongest impression outside of Branagh. – James Verniere, Boston Herald
Nothing, of course, is as it seems, but Branagh doesn’t optimize the participation of a strong cast. Only Pfeiffer comes close to receiving her own small showcase. Mostly, the supporting characters fail to generate keen interest. – Robert Denerstein, Denerstein Unlashed
Many of them are utilized wonderfully, most notably Pfeiffer, Ridley, Odom Jr., Dafoe and Jacobi. Others, like Cruz and Colman, sadly don’t get the chance to make much of a lasting impression. Some, like Dench, Gad and Depp, make the most of what is offered them, delivering the best possible performances all things considered. – Sara Michelle Fetters, Moviefreak
Only Pfeiffer and Depp really get our attention. The rest are left to mutter a line or throw a murderous glance at Branagh occasionally, like Married at First Sight contestants after one too many Chardonnay’s, but mostly go unseen as Branagh and his moustache chew up all the available screentime. Dench in particular could have been played by a sock puppet for all the time she has been allowed in the light. – Graeme Tuckett, Stuff
Despite the potential for ham, with strong work from Pfeiffer (continuing her comeback), Dafoe, Gad, the dashing Depp and Ridley, whom you might not recognise without a lightsaber in her hands. – DM Bradley, The Adelaide Review
Walking off with the acting honors here is Pfeiffer, with a great climactic monologue where she offers to take the fall for the real culprit. (She was one of my favorite actresses during the early 1990s. I badly missed watching her act.) – Kristian Lin, Fort Worth Weekly
There are, however, a few standout performances among the eclectic civilians whom Poirot interrogates for the on-board murder of a two-bit criminal (Johnny Depp) few will miss. A stiff-upper-lipped Derek Jacobi and a tongue-wagging Michelle Pfeiffer are near the top. Josh Gad and Daisy Ridley get their speeches too, though neither actor’s usual talents are on proper display. – Michael Arbeiter, Nerdist
Michelle Pfeiffer is a hoot and a half as a flamboyantly theatrical man-hunter, stealing every scene. – David Edelstein, Vulture
Michelle Pfeiffer does what she can as a man-hungry rich widow searching for her next husband. Derek Jacobi and Josh Gad conspire as a valet and assistant to Depp’s scar-faced hoodlum. Other performers barely have the presence or enough dialogue to make much of an impression including the incredibly talented Olivia Colman as Dench’s lady in waiting. – Susan Wloszcyna,
Some of the cast shines. Tom Bateman brings a welcome bit of comedy to his role as Poirot’s gleefully immoral old friend Bouc; Michele Pfeiffer deserves a full-fledged comeback to the screen; and Daisy Ridley is as charming a 1930’s governess as she is a space warrior. – Rain, Mulling Movies
Individual performances of a superior Pfeiffer (who plays Caroline Hubbard, among the most important personas aboard) and a precise Ridley (in the role of Mary Debenham) stand out and impress. – Tomris Laffly, Film School Rejects
Michelle Pfeiffer continues her comeback, lighting up the screen (especially early on) as Caroline Hubbard. – Chris Agar, Screen Rant
With such a big cast and surprisingly swift runtime, not everyone gets the same amount of spotlight. Depp is terrific with his limited screen time, while Pfeiffer makes a real impression along with Odom Jr. Amusingly, considering her recent box office winning streak, Dench has more of a glorified cameo while Ridley doesn’t make much of an impression despite a screen time advantage. That’s not on her, it’s just what’s on the page. – Scott Mendelson, Forbes
Jacobi, Dench and Cruz are wasted, but Ridley and Odom exude unmistakable star power, Pfeiffer attacks her role with old-pro exuberance, and Depp…doesn’t embarrass himself. – Kurt Loder,
The cast, especially Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Gad, and Willem Dafoe, who play passengers/suspects, are superb. – Matt Goldberg, Collider
Fortunately, this is a capable group of actors who know how to make a first impression, particularly Pfeiffer, who has the best lines, Dafoe, who has the most interesting character, Odom, who has terrific screen charisma, and Gad, who has the most empathic role. – Kirk Baird, The Blade
The cast is huge but standouts include Daisy Ridley and Leslie Odom Jr as the governess and the doctor who insist they are strangers, Judi Dench and Olivia Colman as the Russian princess and her stoic maid, and Michelle Pfeiffer as the widow travelling alone, a walking contradiction of sexual appetite and faded glamour, a tragic past and a sense of humour. – Rosie Fletcher, Digital Spy
Mrs. Hubbard — the fussy loud American mother of the novel, who went on and on about her daughter and bored everyone around her — has been downgraded into a much less tiresome (and funny) cougar. Structurally, the point of this character is that she’s over the top. It’s unclear what Michelle Pfeiffer’s function is supposed to be; she’s much too attractive for her sexual overtures to scan as either funny or tiresome. – Lili Loofbourow, The Week
He’d be crazy not to, with the cast he’s assembled. Michelle Pfeiffer, on a comeback roll at 59 (with a Wizard of Lies Emmy nom, the most-raved performance in mother! and this tangy role as a multiple-married widow), burst into tears on the first day of shooting. “My God, what’s happened?” said Branagh. “I just met Judi Dench!” she replied. Pfeiffer nails the demanding long takes, and stick around for the credits, in which she sings the film’s song “Never Forget” with a breathiness and lovely vibrato reminiscent of her Oscar-nominated chanteuse in The Fabulous Baker Boys. As the haughty, dishonest Russian Princess Dragomiroff, the fabulous aforementioned Dench, 82, gets less screen time than Pfeiffer, but Wendy Hiller was no better in the 1974 version. – Tim Appelo, AARP
Some of the actors don’t have quite enough to do, but Depp and Pfeiffer are terrific here, and so is Tom Bateman as the train’s social manager. – Liz Braun, Toronto Sun
Lumet’s passenger list perhaps edges Branagh’s, with Albert Finney’s Poirot joined by the likes of Bacall, Bergman and Connery. Still, it’s a close thing. Michelle Pfeiffer was the best thing in mother!, and chews through the meatiest supporting role here, Bacall’s before, as a louche, drink-wobbled woman of vintage glamour and tragic fire. Willem Dafoe as a Nazi professor, Daisy Ridley and Leslie Odom Jr.’s interracial lovers, Derek Jacobi’s East End butler, Penelope Cruz’s maudlin missionary, Dame Judi’s Russian princess and Olivia Colman’s mousy maid get a scene each in a film with no elbow-room for more. – Nick Hasted, The Arts Desk
And why not? Stars will be stars, after all. As the gossipy, much-married Mrs. Hubbard, a role owned by Lauren Bacall in the 1974 film, Michelle Pfeiffer is a tornado of fast-talking silliness and late-surging emotion. – Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times
Among the 12 suspects are brash, husband-hunting widow Caroline Hubbard (Michelle Pfeiffer, excellent), beguiling governess Mary Debenham (Daisy Ridley of the “Star Wars” franchise), unassuming missionary Pilar Estravados (Penélope Cruz), droll Dr. Arbuthnot (Leslie Odom Jr.), unsmiling Nazi sympathizer Gerhard Hardman (Willem Dafoe) and disgruntled personal assistant Hector MacQueen (Josh Gad). – Calvin Wilson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The nature of the plot gives Branagh time with each actor as he questions them, but there are so many characters it’s difficult, even in this bunch, for any one to stand out. Pfeiffer does, however, and Josh Gad and Depp get a lot of screen time. – Bill Goodykoontz, Azcentral
In addition to Branagh as Poirot, the cast is stacked with stars, from veterans (Judi Dench, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Penélope Cruz) to newcomers (Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley, Hamilton’s Leslie Odom Jr.), each of whom gets a few brief moments to make an impression. Only Pfeiffer, as a cynical, oft-married older woman, actually succeeds, with most of her co-stars merely serving as puzzle pieces for Poirot to put into place. – Josh Bell, Las Vegas Weekly
With all its overly dramatic head turns and frowny faces, the new Murder largely wastes its extremely impressive cast: At least Depp makes the most of his menacing turn as a smarmy crook, Pfeiffer and Gad chew up some scenery, and Lucy Boynton is strong in limited action as a drug-addled countess. – Brian Truitt, USA Today
Don’t worry. It’s more than a little overwhelming to keep track of who’s who in this bunch and quite a few get the short shrift. But it’s still fun enough to see Depp hamming it up with a thick New York accent, Pfeiffer vamping around the train’s hallways and Branagh careening between giddy parody and self-seriousness as a man who delights in a well-constructed pastry and a good turn-of-phrase from Charles Dickens but can’t seem to comprehend moral ambiguity in the slightest. – Lindsey Bahr, AP
The trick with such a sprawling cast is for the characters to efficiently make individual impressions. That works with some — especially Josh Gad’s sneaky Hector MacQueen and a flirtatious widow played by Michelle Pfeiffer. Mostly, though, the big-name cast is wasted, leaving Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Olivia Colman and Penélope Cruz with little to do. They fade into the background behind Poirot, an eccentric man who doesn’t shy away from reminding his fellow passengers that he’s the greatest detective alive. – Stephanie Merry, The Washington Post
Branagh’s direction, like that train ride, isn’t always smooth; there are moments when the narrative seems to have weirdly jumped ahead of itself, and a few performances that feel puzzlingly off-key. But those with a fondness for old-school suspense drama will find much to enjoy here; this is a popcorn movie with a high-class pedigree. I can think of far worse ways to spend two hours than watching Pfeiffer preen, or Cruz murmuring ominous things about sin, or Sergei Polunin (as a Russian count) performing a flawless ballet move during a bar fight, or Branagh bristling behind that insane mustache. You probably can, too. – Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
You can’t fault the cast. From actual royalty Dame Judi Dench to television workhorse Leslie Odom Jr, all the players in the suspect roles portray their parts with distinction but without the need to shine above the rest. Well, except for Michelle Pfeiffer, but that’s in keeping with her character. Even Josh Gad does proper acting in this. – Liam Maguren,
The entire ensemble is perfectly cast with Dench and Pfeiffer as particular standouts. – Jeanne, kaplanvskaplan
Michelle Pfeiffer is pleasingly to the fore as a flirtatious widow, while relative unknowns Leslie Odom Jr. (a doctor), Manuel Garcia-Rulfo (a car salesman), Lucy Boynton and Serge Polunin (dodgy European aristocrats) drift in and out of suspicion as the plot requires. – Leigh Paatsch, Herald Sun
Cinema treasure Michelle Pfeiffer – Daniel Eagan, Film Journal

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