‘mother!’ trailer is here!

The official trailer of Darren Aronofsky’s ‘mother!‘ finally arrived this morning, the audio part is somehow more and less same as the pervious teaser, although they finally showing some footages from the film, Darren managed to cover the real storyline successfully, and for PFEIFFER, ‘OMG!’ should be the first impression for all Pfans – there are basically about 4 scenes of La Pfeiffer in the two mins trailer, and she really ‘Woah’ us with her facial expression and her beauty, it actually kinda remind me of Claire Spencer from ‘What Lies Beneath‘, and in a much darker, devilish way.

There’s also a new poster tweeting on the net and there’s no word if it’s a official poster yet, I personally wish it’s fan-made since there’s neither with Michelle’s picture nor her name, and except the title ‘mother!’, rest of the text doesn’t look quite professional, so let see.

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